CCV (1987 - 1997)
After developing a number of administrative and financial applications, I was
given the task of developing the software for the security board of CCV's first
payment PIN terminal (Pay-O-Maat) in the Netherlands. I learned to program
in the language C (Ansi-C). At that time, the security software was burned on
an Eprom and, with the board and all, cast in a plastic resin with censors for
burglary, light, temperature, etc. The software was therefore not replaceable
and therefore had to be completely bug-free.
After the introduction of electronic payment, developments in this area moved
quickly and the new terminals could be provided with new software remotely.
The security of those systems had to meet the highest requirements and I was
able to further build up my knowledge in that area. In addition to the
embedded software for POS terminals like for the Verifone, I also developed
applications related to the transactions, such as the communication front-end
processors, the pin mailer programs, the authorization systems, the simulators
and the loading systems for the security keys and the backend application
software. At that time, expansions of the payment options with chip cards also
emerged, such as Chipknip and Chipper, for which I also wrote the necessary
software for the payment terminals.
Smart Concepts (1997 - 2007)
In 1997 I received an offer from Smart Concepts in Doetinchem, which
consisted of 2 of my former CCV colleagues, to create my own integrated
platform. Here I learned to program in Microsoft Visual Foxpro and different
variants of C/C++.
The first assignment was to rewrite the software for machines that could
emboss plastic cards and then merge them with the correct card
carriers/leaflets/letters/envelopes and address labels. We then received various
orders for administrative and loyalty card applications for Nikon, HP, van der
Valk, Keurslagers, LOKO (Rabobank) and the platforms for the fuel cards and
the authorization of transactions for Texaco, Chevron, Q8, de Haan and the
loyalty system Rocks (Texaco, Super de Boer).
We have also developed various payment and loyalty terminals, like for Q8
the Panasonic terminal which could print thermochromic cards so that the
customers could see their current balance including commercial images on the
outside of their physical card.
ICP Companies (2012 - 2023)
In 2012 I returned to ICP Companies, which was already moved from Doetinchem and merged with ICP Hoofddorp
(formerly Payzone) after I received an offer to build a completely new platform for processing and switching loyalty,
giftcard, e-voucher, topup and payment transactions. Due to the faster and cheaper communication lines, the real-time and
online applications rose sharply at that time and a lot of functionality moved from client side to server side and became more
and more web-based. I was able to set up the platform which could process and switch the requests of transactions of all
kind of e-voucher (topup) products, giftcards, loyalty, coupons, payment, tickets, inlane lottery tickets, prepaid cards,
software licenses, gamecards, employee cards and SIM activation transactions over one generic webservice API using
The platform was named “Mimas” and the cash-registers of Kruidvat, Jumbo, Lidl, Action, KPN, Blokker, Casa,
Lekkerland, Obelink, Miniso, Trekpleister, Mitra, Sligro, Agri-Retail, Intertoys, etc. were connected to it, as well as the
online systems of Trendyfoods, Recharge, Kaartdirect, Cysend, Offerz, MBXP, DetailResult, Reloadbase, GamecardsDirect
and several German and Polish retail chains and webshops. The platform could switch requests to other processor gateways
like the ones of Intersolve, Paysafecard, Blackhawk, Epay, Abacus, Fashioncheque, Cashlib, VTC, Prepaid Factory, Intralot,
TCS, Ticket Surf International (TSI), Aleda, Orange, Proximus, Neosurf, G-Tech LNB, Keplerk, Prepaid Cash Services
(PCS), CM.COM, Prepay Nation, Content Card, Busybirds and Aplauz.
The Verifone CTAP PIN terminals were replaced with terminals that were using the Pay Plaza solution. For this I
implemented the interface with the Pay Plaza host for an interface with the customers cash-registers (XTIL.NEXT).
For KPN I have implemented a PIN-Server solution where the Ingenico terminals and the web-based KPN POS systems
were connected to.
Beside the Mimas switching platform the fleetcard authorisation system iTrans (using ISO8583 / IFSF / OASE protocol) for
Lodder and the virtual web-based Mimas terminal for selling e-voucher and giftcard products were developed. All the
processes for the import and export of files, report generation reconciliation and the creation of invoice files (EDI,
DES/ADV, XML, CSV, TXT) and interface with Navision was all handled by the Mimas processing module.